Alfie is the baby of his siblings, he starts his journey as a toddler at 3 years old. He was born with a lazy eye which needed two brow suspension lifts. He is very active, cheeky and full of beans.
Emilia begins her journey in Tawny Owl Wood at the age of 9 years old. She is the inspiration behind the series and since the age of 15yrs she has helped me create the storylines you see before you.
Cameron is the second eldest out of his siblings. He starts his journey at 13 years old. He’s football crazy, very active and always looking to cause mischief!
Jay is the eldest out of his siblings. He is 15 years old at the start of the books.
Mummy is based on Louise (myself). I have been able to include some of my own life issues within the stories, as well as my imagination for magic instilled in me by my Grandmother, Betty.
This is Dad, he is based on my husband, Phil. He is very often with me when we attend the many shows we do over the years. Without his support and encouragement, we wouldn’t be where we are today.