
Tawny Owl Fledglings are a continuation from the Owlet Club books. These books are chapter books for the older readers ranging from 7/8 years to 12 years and they go into much more detail than the early reader books and make the perfect continuation of social topics to discuss in the classroom or at home with parents/careers or grandparents. 

- Finding the Old Oak Tree

 – Finding the Old Oak Tree

Tawny Owl Wood’s first chapter book, sees Emilia stumble across the Old Oak Tree by chance. Or has it been planned all along?

Tawny Owl Wood Characters in this book are:

Emilia, Jay, Cameron, Alfie, Mummy and Daddy and Tawny Owl Wood’s Fairies. 

Available to buy in the shop 

- A Rainy Day

– A Rainy Day

Tawny Owl Wood’s second chapter book, sees the fairies of Tawny Owl Wood needing urgent help from someone special. Do they call on Emilia for help and will they get to her in time. 

Tawny Owl Wood Characters in this book are:

Emilia, Mummy, Edward the blackbird, a family of rabbits and Tawny Owl Wood’s Fairies. 

Available to buy in the shop 

- A New Arrival

– A new Arrival

Tawny Owl Wood’s third chapter book, sees Emilia and her family welcoming a new arrival into their home. Chaos descends as the new arrival goes missing. Are the Fairies of Tawny Owl Wood able to come to the rescue?  

Tawny Owl Wood Characters in this book are:

Emilia, Jay, Cameron, Alfie Mummy and Daddy. The New arrival and Tawny Owl Wood’s Fairies. 

Available to buy in the shop 

- The Unexpected Guest

 – The Unexpected Guest

Tawny Owl Wood’s fourth chapter book, sees Tawny Owl wood being visited by an ancient enemy, but not all is as it seems.   

Tawny Owl Wood Characters in this book are:

The Unexpected Guest, Matilda the blackbird and Tawny Owl Wood’s Fairies. 

Available to buy in the shop